Types of Powerful Assessment - Codes
Cap - Capstones and other forms of program-level assessment – especially when these test the ability of students to address key technical and human challenges based on real-world cases in an integrated way. Assessment tools for capstones include reports, observation schedules and reflective journals, portfolios, products & videos (see Nicky Lee’s OLT National Senior Teaching Fellowship website and report on Capstones at: http://www.capstonecurriculum.com.au/). Also see Beverley Oliver’s Assuring Graduate Capabilities site, in particular the assessment section at: http://www.assuringgraduatecapabilities.com/assess.html
Co-C - Senior students and early career graduates as co-creators of assessment tasks with a rationale on why they are relevant. (see the clearing house of good practice examples in the ‘Students as change agents’ review by Mick Healy (2013)
Dil - Dilemma-based assessment. Here students are confronted with a real-world dilemma - an actual ‘forked-road’ situation - identified by an early career graduate and asked to say what they would do and why. These dilemmas can be presented as a case, in-tray exercise, a simulation or as a trigger video.
Port - Portfolios which provide evidence of effective performance against the highest ranking capabilities and competencies identified as most important in studies of successful early career graduates in the profession/discipline concerned.
Field - Field research, action research, work-integrated assessment, clinical or practicum placements, internships and real-world projects – local and international – always with a focus on the key capabilities identified as most important by successful graduates and employers in the field of practice concerned.
RPS - Role-play/simulation based on real-world cases.
Inv - Assessment tasks focused on social entrepreneurialism, creativity, invention, addressing key issues associated with social, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability, including Blue Economy projects (projects concerned with making money out of waste).
Perf - Performances in various mediums, including scripting and production of a film on a hot issue in the profession/discipline concerned which is loaded onto YouTube for formal review.
ICT - ICT-supported assessment – for example, wiki, interactive assessment including assessable gaming.
Prod - Disassembling a real world product and identifying all of the aspects of the course necessary to build it; then reassembling it and applying what has been learnt to the development of a new product.
Reflect - Reflective learning journals using a validated set of high ranking capabilities for effective practice in the specific practice area as a benchmark for self-evaluation of performance.
PBL - Problem-based or solutions-based assessment around a real world challenge.
Case - Case study analysis and evaluation.
LC - Learning contracts.
Interv - Interviews with successful early career graduates and critically discussing the relationship between what they say and what is being learnt in the degree.
T/V - Thesis (including undergraduate thesis)/Viva Voce.
Crit - Critical appraisal of data, articles, performances using agreed quality tests.
Other - Other