Type of Powerful Assessment - ICT Supported Assessment
- Using Minecraft ‘world building’ simulation game to successfully ‘excavate’ a medieval village by applying all that is being learnt in the course. For details see: https://theconversation.com/recreating-medieval-towns-an-example-of-why-minecraft-is-a-great-learning-tool-53926
Arts & social Sciences
- English literature: development and moderation of blogs on a poem with a critical justification for what was said and done and an analysis of the feedback given online to the blog.
- Use of Poplets for mind-mapping the connections between key factors, strategies and influences in tackling real-world problems
- Real-world project using a Wiki tool and a simulation
An online collaborative writing activity using a Wiki tool on the course Blackboard site is a part of the course project that expands over a period of 10 weeks with diverse types of activities. Students in groups create an imaginary company, collaboratively write their company profile and a job offer, build a company website (Blog tool on Blackboard site) and prepare a group presentation. Playing the role of a hiring committee, groups present their company profile and a job offer to invite candidates-classmates to apply to their company. Students-candidates prepare their resume and cover letter according to the company’s information. The company evaluates applications, selects a candidate, and produces a report justifying their selection in terms of specified criteria. The project aims to assess, in a progressive manner, students’ written productions and analytical reading in business French, oral communication skills, ability to evaluate their own learning (through reflection writings), as well as their peers’ production
(University of Toronto)
Creative industries, Arts & Design
- In a digital media course students undertake warcraft online and produce a video on the experience with a critical commentary on its design and impact (World of Warcraft is a multiplayer online role-playing game created in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. It is the fourth released game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe, which was first introduced by Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994)
- Assessment of ability to apply game theory, gaming and assessment in economics
- Media/Arts is a new subject area in ACARA. In this task students are to identify apps that would help school students to engage productively and creatively with the arts. Each student is to locate an app, evaluate it and then demonstrate it briefly in class with a short evaluation review and suggestions on where it might best be used. Assessment would be in the form of a report based on class feedback, lecturer feedback and self review against the following evaluation criteria: links to the requirements of ACARA, relevance, feasibility, scalability and cost.
ICT and software engineering
- Development of apps for use in developing countries to foster sustainable agriculture and subsistence farms. See, for example, the work of Professor Athula Ginige from Western Sydney University in Sri Lanka
- Use of interactive MOOCs to develop, check and self-test basic skills and knowledge
- Online learning as part of a blended learning nursing program: students go to the National Prescribing Service site and undertake the self-managed learning and testing modules there. The results are then verified by us. This saves time and uses a MOOC-like approach in an area of fixed, set, correct knowledge and saves class time for more interactive exercises and learning
- Virtual firearms training. See, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PuHzxB5cdw
- A doctoral class in Psychology learns how to edit Wikipedia entries in their area of speciality The assessment looks at the response from the Wikipedia editors and if the students’ evidence-based edits remain on the site
- Interactive, ICT-enabled simulations of experiments in physics and chemistry. See, for example, the MIT virtual lab initiative at: http://icampus.mit.edu/projects/ilabs/
- Students have to produce a YouTube video which makes clear to a lay person what a particular piece of science involves and how it is useful. Assessment is determined by (a) audience rating (b) number of hits on YouTube. Some of these YouTube student videos have gone viral and many have thousands of followers all around the world. For one example see: http://news.mit.edu/2012/k-12-education-video-initiative-0425
Sustainable social, cultural, economic and environmental development
Brings together Public Health, sustainability and climate change.
Involves a case study – focused on the ecosystem of services in a particular community with a focus on improving public health.
Students have to identify (diagnose) a hot issue in a particular site (e.g. air pollution in Beijing, floods and illness) and then determine (invent) how best to address it.
In some cases virtual field work using 3D headsets is used.
Why ‘powerful’?
Addresses ability to emphasise, diagnose and read and match
Aims to overcome professional silos.
- Sustainable cities certificate
Students are to complete a concept map for each topic to identify the obvious and ‘not so obvious’ connections that have emerged from all that they have learnt/discussed in class or in their learning team. Criteria: must give specific focus to the three key domains of Education for sustainability: social (equal opportunity, social justice, human health, quality of living, education, sense of community, justice), economic (employment, city policies and regulations, taxes, economic incentives, sustainable economic development, business ethics, workers’ rights, fair trade, externalized costs, sustainable planning, RYD, use of renewable and non-renewable resources) and environmental (environmental management, energy efficiency, use of natural resources, pollution - air, water, land waste-, climate change – green house gas emissions and biodiversity in relation to this course)
Maricopa College System, Arizona
- Students in a Blue Economy course (focused on how to make money out of waste) identify how to save ink in printing by using Gararmon type face (Using this was reported on ABC 702 3rd March 2016 at 4.15 as saving the US government up to $320m per annum). In another student developed sustainability and innovation project moths are attracted to lights on a low barge in a lake and become food for fish.