Right learning activities and resources

Ensure that the learning activities and resources built into each unit of study are ‘fit-for-purpose’, assessment-focused & quality assured

  • What high quality learning methods and resources will enable students to optimise their performance on the assessment task(s) set down for this unit of study?
  • How do we know that our learning design for each unit of study is engaging and meets these quality tests?

When the above steps are completed it is important then to ensure that a high quality, feasible, engaging set of learning activities and resources that is directly focused on the assessment task(s) in each unit of study is designed and delivered.

Box Ten summarises the quality tests endorsed at the workshops for ensuring that each unit’s learning approaches and resources selected are engaging and directly focused on the capabilities and competencies set down for development in the unit (or in the scaffolded set of units of study). This so-called RATED CLASS A set of quality tests has been generated from the analysis of some 300,000 best aspect and needs improvement comments written on the Course Experience Questionnaire and was reported in the commissioned 2006 Accessing the Student Voice Project.


Box Ten

Developing engaging, fit-for-purpose learning activities & resources – key tests

Use the following quality checkpoints for your learning design:

  • Relevant (directly enables students to complete assessment)
  • Active learning
  • Theory-practice links
  • Expectations about what has to be delivered in assessment are clear
  • Direction for learning clear – e.g. where each unit fits into the overall degree is clear
  • Capabilities that count are the key focus
  • Learning is flexible
  • Assessment is directly related to the key program level outcomes
  • Staff delivering the unit are capable and responsive
  • Support systems are aligned
  • Access is timely and convenient


  • Boud, D (2010): Student assessment for learning in and after courses, Report on ALTC Senior Fellowship.
  • Boud, D (2010): Assessment 2020: seven propositions for assessment reform in higher education, UTS & ALTC 
  • Carless, D (2015): Excellence in in university assessment: learning from award-winning practice, Routledge, London (this book brings together good practice in ‘learning-oriented assessment’).
  • Romy Lawson's Assuring Learning website at: http://www.assuringlearning.com/
    This site, developed as part of Romy Lawson's OLT Fellowship on the area, has a wide range of practical tips and resources on mapping graduate attributes in higher education and leadership strategies for engaging staff in these processes. It includes practical resources covering writing and embedding course (program) level outcomes, constructing whole of course rubrics, designing course level outcome assessments, productive learning activities and leading the way along with quality enhancement resources and a curriculum design workbench (tool).
  • Scott, G. (2006). Accessing the student voice (Report). DEEWR, Canberra. 
  • Scott, G (2008): Student Engagement and Satisfaction with Learning, (Commissioned research and analysis report to the Australian Review of Higher Education). DEEWR, Canberra. Accessed on 22 August 2010